What is Pi Network's KYC Tentative Approval?

The Pi network Core Team launched the tentative KYC approval to identify cheating, fake, and bot accounts in the network and to further improve the functionalities of the ecosystem.

The tentative KYC approval is part of the step a pioneer will need to undergo before completing full KYC. It also means that pioneers need to undergo several verification checks before they can be given full approval.

So, passing the tentative KYC doesn't necessarily mean the pioneer has passed KYC completely, as they may be recalled to redo or undergo full verification checks before they can claim their mined coins.

If you notice, once a pioneer passes the tentative KYC, there is nothing like becoming a validator or applying to become a validator. The coins mined cannot be migrated to the blockchain Mainnet also. But in the case of a full approval, a pioneer can apply to become a validator and migrate his coins to Mainnet.

According to the Core Team, the tentative KYC approval was initiated into the network to check real and bots accounts and to prevent them from entering the Mainnet blockchain.

In case you submit a KYC application after being invited, and within some hours, the application shows "Tentative KYC Approval" on the screen, it means you will need additional checks from the Core Team. This time, human verification will take place.

However, the time and duration needed to complete the additional check can be different and will also depend on the issues being faced by the pioneer.

The Core Team made a statement on their website's FAQs on KYC regarding the time it takes for additional KYC checks after being tentative. It says:

"Factors that can impact the timing include the volume of KYC applications being processed, availability of human validators of the region, the complexity of the application, and types of additional checks applied to the tentative KYC case."

Pioneers should not be bothered by the additional check as long as their account is real and they are not using fake documents. If you pass the additional check, you will see it on the screen with green background.

Pioneers who didn't see tentative approval can still pass KYC without further checks.

Read: How to Complete Pi Network Mainnet Checklists

What is Pi Network's KYC?

The KYC application was initiated to real pioneers from fake ones. It stands for "Know Your Customer", and it is a way to verify people using means of identification.

In the case of the Pi network, a proprietary KYC has been put in place to verify millions of pioneers from around the world and allow them to migrate their mined coins to the Mainnet blockchain.

KYC is important because it can detect real and fake accounts as some people find pleasure in creating multiple accounts to boost their referral system and accumulate more Pi coins.

But, with KYC, it is one account for one person. It is now in the control of pioneers to ensure they are using real information about themselves during onboarding.

Is the Pi network's KYC distributed randomly?

Since the Core Team has rolled out a full KYC invitation, there is no need to wait anymore for an invite. You can just open the Pi network browser and submit your KYC then wait for results.

Can new Pi accounts apply for KYC?

On the website, newly created accounts cannot participate in KYC until after 30 days. This makes much sense as the system tries to favor accounts with large coins to be able to submit their KYC and migrate to Mainnet.

Where can I submit KYC?

You can only use the Pi network browser to submit KYC for now. You can also get invited through the app during the mining session. If not, make sure you keep monitoring the browser to check if you are eligible.

Is the Tentative approval for everyone?

No, the Tentative KYC approval doesn't apply to everyone. It is only for a few accounts with little errors or misconfiguration in their accounts. With the Tentative approval, you cannot apply for a validator or migrate to Mainnet as you will need to wait for additional checks.

However, the Tentative approval does mean that the pioneer is very closer to full approval as we've seen some results like that in the last few months.

My KYC is pending for too long

There are a couple of reasons why your KYC may be pending for too long. First, using the wrong document, and second, you're stopping and entering the KYC screen anytime due to an unstable network or phone issue.

Here are 3 reasons why a KYC application may be pending for too long

3 Reasons why your KYC might be pending for too long than expected:

1: Piloting your KYC at night

This is one of the reasons. Many pioneers are fun of piloting their KYC at night because they are in a hurry to submit. When you pilot a KYC application at night, your face, documents, and background will not show clearly, leaving the system with no choice but to keep it pending.

2: Stopping halfway

Another reason is starting and then stopping halfway. This will prolong the application leaving it to pend for a very long because the system will have to capture the process you stopped.

If the network is not stable, try it again when you have a strong network, or better use a stable connection like the WIFI network. Also, ensure you have granted permission to the Pi browser to access your phone camera before starting.

Read: What is Unverified and Transferable Balance

3: Wrong document

The most common reason why KYC applications stay in the pending queue for too long is the result of using the wrong document. This way, the system, and validators will be confused, and to avoid such issues, research on the type of documents that is accepted in your region or place of residence.

Examples of documents accepted in Nigeria include:

1: National ID card: Premium and Standard

2: International passport

3: Drivers license

Lastly, ensure your face is fitting in the box very well and not halfway, snap bodily, and fill every dimension of the camera box. Abiding by all these rules will get your KYC application accepted without issues.

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