How to Complete Pi Network Mainnet Checklists

Pioneers should not forget to complete their Mainnet checklists to further move the project closer to Mainnet as they must complete the checklists to transfer their balance to the Mainnet blockchain.

This post revealed a detailed guide on how to complete the Mainnet checklist successfully. Keep reading along to learn.

What are Pi Network Mainnet Checklists?

The Mainnet checklist consists of 7 steps in the Pi app that every pioneer must complete to move their balance to the Mainnet.

That must be why the Pi network Core Team is consistently educating pioneers on the importance of completing the checklists. To do so, and to move the network a bit closer to Mainnet, pioneers who have added their wallet address, and completed KYC, must also complete other steps.

According to the Core Team, when a pioneer has completed the checklist, he stands a chance to receive the Transferable coins they have mined.

All 7 steps are necessary for the Mainnet balance to take effect.

The most important step is the KYC verification which a pioneer will have to wait to be invited, once they submit KYC, and passed, they can migrate to Mainnet.

Pioneers often come across challenges during the checklists, putting the wrong wallet address, and other issues. In case you must know, a pioneer must have added its wallet address before it can move to other steps.

Also, if a pioneer has added the wrong address, they can still check, change, or reset their wallet, before signing the acknowledgment letter.

Completing Pi Network Mainnet Checklists

Here are the checklists that a pioneer must complete before migrating their balance to Mainnet.

1: Download the Pi browser

You must have downloaded the Pi network browser by now as a pioneer as this is the step in creating your wallet and completing the checklists.

The Pi network browser is a very important component of the blockchain. Everything a pioneer does starts with the Pi browser. To download the browser, you will have to:

1: Log in to the main app

2: Click the menu at the top left corner

3: Look for the Pi browser

4: Click the "Sign in" button

5: The page will take you straight to the browser if you have it installed

6: If you don't have it installed, it will take you to the Google Play Store where to download it.

7: After downloading, then log in to the browser.

2: Create a Pi Network Wallet

Creating a wallet is another step on the checklists and every pioneer is expected to have a wallet where their coins will be migrated to.

We have a guide for that, pioneers should go ahead and create a wallet, then add the wallet address to the Pi main app which can be found on the checklists.

Creating a wallet is easy and it only takes just a simple process. 

Make sure you save or store your wallet address and passphrase somewhere safe and far away from people. If possible, write it down in a notebook or a favorite jotter.

3: Confirm your Pi wallet

On the Pi app, put the wallet address in the checklist to confirm your wallet address. Ensure you have successfully saved the wallet and passphrase somewhere safe before confirming the wallet.

This is because once you have passed KYC, and your coins have been migrated, you cannot change the wallet address. When confirming the wallet, make sure the address corresponds with the wallet address on the Pi browser.

Note: The wallet address you've created in the Pi browser must be the same on the Mainnet checklists.

4: Commit to Lockup

Configuring your lockup duration is part of the process of ensuring that your Pi balance is migrated successfully.

Committing to lockup also increases individual mining rates. You should lock up at least 100% of your Pi for 3 years maximum. You can lock up more or less, but ensure you are not locking all the Pi coins.

5: Submit KYC Application

Completing all those steps above also increases the chance of getting invited for KYC, especially for those who haven't submitted their KYC for verification.

According to Dr. Nicolas, all pioneers will be invited to submit KYC and nobody will be left behind in the process. This is the most important component in the Mainnet migration process.

What is Pi network KYC? It is expected that each pioneer who participated in mining Pi passes through KYC before their Pi can be migrated to Mainnet. It is a way to identify real accounts and remove bots or multiple accounts with a single user.

The Pi network's KYC is a prerequisite for every pioneer to pass before they can be Migrated.

6: Wait for KYC results

These days, pioneers don't need to wait too long to pass KYC as the Core Team has sharpened the approval process, allowing a pioneer to pass in less than 2 hours unless the pioneer uses an unrecognized means of identification.

For you to pass KYC, you must know the type of documents accepted in your country, asking questions tends to help a lot. Most pioneers seem to ignore this fact. Cases of KYC applications taking longer than a month or two is as a result of the documents the pioneer used in most cases.

Other aspects also contribute to why your KYC is taking longer. However, this does not mean you should panic, as the Core Team is also aware of the situation.

7: Sign the Acknowledgment letter

The final most important step to completing Pi network Mainnet checklists is signing the acknowledgment letter to receive your Pi coins.

Any step you've completed in the checklists will be marked as green.

After signing the acknowledgment letter, the Pi coins in the "Transferable Balance" will be migrated to Mainnet. If you have completed the checklists above, the amount will be transferred automatically based on the lockup you've set up.

So, the transferable balance barely consists of the Pi coins you've mined. Your bonuses are the "Unverified balance" and they will gradually move to Mainnet when your referral team has passed KYC.

Read: How to Recover Pi Network Account

That's all to complete the Mainnet checklists and the final step is migrating your Pi coins to the Mainnet blockchain using a wallet, lockup rate, and the transferable balance.

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