Pi Network Launches Pi Browser for PC and Web3 Social Platform

Pi network continues to make groundbreaking moves as the team behind the crypto project launched a Pi browser for PC and a decentralized web3 social media community for pioneers to meet, interact and connect with others.

The move will allow pioneers and developers to access the browser from their computer and experience the blazing speed of anything related to Pi network cryptocurrency.

Pi network, a centralized and decentralized cryptocurrency founded by Stanford University Professors, becomes the world's first mobile mining crypto when it goes live in 2019. Since then, the network has amassed over 40 million active users who don't just mine the coin, but also promote its uniqueness across social sites.

The Pi browser for PC can be downloaded from the website of the Pi network, pinet.com. It is an advanced way to access anything related to blockchain crypto and Pi network without ever worrying about scarcity.

Pioneers' trust in the project is still very strong and evolving, as the CT continue to build features while also collaborating with developers to take advantage of the network's growth and immense potential to build their apps.

Now that the Pi network browser for computers is active and fully accessible, the team will also want to work with the community in preventing negative effects that may arise when taking advantage of these products.

The news of the cryptocurrency being listed on Forbes is another great milestone that has not been forgotten, this shows that the CT is working and pushing the network to Open Mainnet.

The Benefits of the Pi Browser for PC

Pioneers and interested users who want to use the browser can go ahead and download it from the website and access the features of a decentralized browser with encrypted security that makes browsing effortless and transparent.

The browser comes with a fully integrated setting that projects users' data and information while accessing a wide array of decentralized related benefits. More settings and customization are available within the browser to make individuals feel safe while navigating different areas of the blockchain cryptocurrency dynamic approach to sustainability and accountability.

As the Core Team continues to build features that will help not just Pi network, but the entire crypto community, developers and pioneers are welcome to take part in the ongoing Hackathon that is geared to promote inclusiveness and diversity, giving everyone a sense of belonging in the ecosystem.

This approach will help the project in many ways including the ongoing KYC verification process that is being handled through the Pi browser.

The project is progressing, and the community must stand up and continue to support it in any way that they can. Most importantly, keeping their coins, data, and information safe from public domains and third-party websites.

Pi Network launches Fireside Forum, a Web3 Social Platform

In related news coming from the official Twitter handle of the Pi network team, a web3 social media platform, Fireside Forum has been launched to allow pioneers from different parts of the world to meet and connect with other people in the blockchain.

Pi Network official Twitter 

The robust feature is a web3 social site,  which has an advanced dynamic and technological approach to better understand human behavior when socializing and connecting with other people using decentralized settings.

How to access the Pi network Fireside Forum?

Fireside Forum is accessible from the Pi browser and only those with Pi accounts can take full advantage of the feature. The Pi network has over 40 million active users worldwide. With the launch of Fireside Forum, users can interact, socialize, and create a positive atmosphere in a decentralized environment.

It is another breakthrough in stepping into the world of web3 technology allowing users to scale their interactions which is not allowed in the web2 social space. Above all, Fireside Forum promotes fairness, protection, freedom, and privacy which are needed in this modern world that is clouded with crypto-related topics.

The Benefits of Web3 and Fireside Forum

To gain more information about the project, KYC verification, and account issues are some of the benefits you will get when you start using Fireside Forum to interact with other developers and crypto enthusiasts in a protected way.

For the start, you will need to have Pi coins in your Mainnet wallet to be able to access the Forum. Learn how to how to create a Pi network wallet which will be use in buying a Fireside Forum token. Users have started using the site to stay connected already and to better themselves with information about the Pi network as open Mainnet draws closer.

In addition to connecting with other users on the platform, pioneers can share their thoughts, feelings, and opinion regarding the project. This inclusiveness makes it a decentralized platform that welcomes various aspects of how the network can grow.

Security, Safety, and Scalability

Fireside Forum uses strong security encryption to protect users' information and every pioneer who takes part in meaningful conversation should be able to get maximum protection as they interact with other people.

Worrying about security is no longer an option in a decentralized platform that focuses on improving and providing adequate safety assurance to users. It also comes with transparent rules and guidelines that make reporting inappropriate behavior or infringement of content to the applicable community.

Pi Network launch date

The launch date is still much anticipated by the community and no one seems to know when Pi network will be launched. However, it should be communicated in due time as progresses are being recorded in the network. For example, the launching of the Pi browser, Fireside Forum, and the ongoing Hackathon which has resumed accepting membership.

The Pi network Hackathon, according to the Core Team will continue for now until the project is stronger on its own in dominating the crypto and web3 space. Hackathon, a utility-building initiative, set up by the founders, is still accepting developers who want to work with the team and build something that will rival other existing projects in the ecosystem.

Stay Ahead of the News

Always follow certified news only from the official Twitter account of the Core Team to stay informed of the latest trends happening around the Pi network project and ecosystem.

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