How to Add Users to Your Pi Network Security Circle

With users in your security circle, you can increase mining rewards and earn more Pi coins as long as members in the circle are active and also mining regularly and concurrently.

If you have been searching for ways to increase your Pi coin mining rate and add more users to your team, this article will explain how to get that done without any stress, so keep reading.

You must also know that in Pi network, you can add as many as possible to your security circle, but they are capped at 5, while these people can increase your earning rates, they must be people who you are familiar with.

This will ensure a smooth and credible KYC verification process when you and the entire team members in the security circle are invited to pilot the KYC solution of the network and further improve its chances of moving closer to the mainnet launch.

The biggest mistake is using random referral codes, especially those found on social media. Don't accept such a mistake. Work hard to get many people in your security circle, those you can trust, and can get in contact with.

What is Pi Network Security Circle

Security circles are a group of people that made up the number of pioneers in a list of other pioneers. Each of them can increase your mining rate to at least 20% which is up to 100% maximum on your base mining rate.

The security circle of a pioneer is integral and also crucial to the Pi network blockchain, as it doesn't only increase your mining rate, but also boosts the enter referral team.

When a pioneer introduces another person to his team, they form a greater partnership which will lead to the pioneer also receiving a KYC invite on time and ultimately boosting the team. So, haven understand what a security circle entails in Pi network, how do pioneers make use of it and ensure that they are doing the right thing?

There are many ways pioneers can make sure they are adding the right people. First, networking with people on social media and adding their phone numbers, speaking with those you come across almost every day, and engaging with interested and other Crypto enthusiasts.

However, ensure they are very active and mining Pi frequently. This will make your Unverified Mainnet balance to be transferable when they pass KYC.

How to add Users to Your Security Circle

Now, you are ready to start adding users after employing all the scopes I've mentioned above, to start adding users to your circle follow these steps:

1: Open the Pi network mining app

2: Click on the icon on the right side of the screen that looks like energy.

3: You will land on another page that has the following terms:

  1. Pioneer
  2. Contributor
  3. Ambassador
  4. Node

They are called the 4 Roles in the Pi network ecosystem, we will explain that later in the post.

4: Click on the "Start" button in front of the contributor.

5: A new page will display telling you to set up your security circle. Click on "Trust" to add a user to your circle.

5: So, after that, another page will display on the screen with two options beneath the page:

  • Add Existing Pi User
  • Add Users from Contacts

Choose any one and click to proceed. In a case where you are adding someone for the first time, make sure you have collected their phone number.

Once you add them through the second option "Add Users from Contacts", a link will be sent to them to download the Pi network app to start mining. However, if the user already has a Pi network account and you want to add them, just use the first option and then add them by their code.

A stronger security circle starts from 5 users and above, but you should aim to add more people that you can trust, as this will greatly impact your Transferable balance.

Read: How to Create a Pi network Account

Four Roles of Pioneers in Pi Network

You might also want to know the 4 roles of pioneers, to further improve your knowledge of the security circle, ecosystem, and referral network.

Pioneer: This is you or any other user who is mining Pi coin and they have either passed KYC through tentative approval or full approval. Simply put, a pioneer is someone who is mining every 24 hours to earn Pi coins.

Contributor: Ability to mine at a higher rate by inviting other pioneers to join your security circle. This guarantee that both you and the user earn more rewards when you are very active.

Ambassador: You earn more rewards, nodes, and Pi coins when you invite people to join the Pi network and form a closer bond with each other, helping to gain a more stable and transparent ecosystem as the project progresses.

Node: These are pioneers like you who have the computer knowledge to add features and accessories to the ecosystem. They make use of their home computers to add power and fuel the network, ultimately improving the scalability and sustainability of the project towards its objectives.

How to Increase Pi Network Earnings

Increasing earnings have different ways of achieving the right balance. First, ensure you add more people, and the locked-up rate is between 100-200% for a maximum of 2-3 years.

Lock-up rate, referral team, and other settings have one way or another to help determine the earning rates of a Pioneer, this can also include app usage, node rewards, and active team.

Increasing the security circle allows you to earn more Pi coins and ultimately, increases your chances of getting invited for KYC. As we all know, KYC is among the Mainnet checklists that pioneers will have to pass before their mined coins will be migrated to their wallets balance.

Significance of Security Circle on KYC

Piooners should be aware that the security circle settings or referral team have no business with KYC. Also, having a large number of people in your team doesn't guarantee or facilitate KYC invites as the CT and the system only distribute KYC randomly, not until recently when mass piloting is taking place through the Pi network browser.

KYC only has a significant impact on your Unverified balance when most of your security circle and referral team are not active. Again, this is why I recommend you always add people you know and that you can trust.

So, in case issues of KYC arises, you can get in touch with them as swiftly as possible. Nevertheless, the referral team will not, in any way, impact your KYC slot.

So, now that you know the entirety of the Pi network security circle and referral system, you might want to use them to improve your earning power in the blockchain.

Thanks for reading. Stay ahead of the news and headlines on everything pertaining Pi network and the latest technology. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook.

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