How to Apply for Pi Network KYC Verification

Pioneers from around the world have to submit their KYC and complete the Mainnet checklists to receive their mined coins in their Mainnet wallet.

They must have created a wallet in this process before completing the checklists. Alternatively, they can also wait for a KYC invite before completing the checklists from Step 1.

KYC is the 6th step a pioneer must undergo to complete the Mainnet checklists.

What is Pi Network KYC?

It is a step or way to identify real and fake accounts in the ecosystem as any mined coin in these accounts will be determined by the owner's credibility.

KYC was introduced to curb the number of cheating accounts and to ensure that only real users are behind those accounts. KYC stands for (Know Your Customer) and it is very important as every pioneer should get themselves familiarize with the process and submit their KYC as soon as they are invited to open chance for those who have not been invited.

This promotes inclusiveness and pushes the network towards achieving one of its objectives, which is Open Mainnet.

But there is a challenge when we talk about KYC in the Pi network, as we've seen a lot of pioneers complaining, like, what is the right document to use, how to create a wallet, how do I get a KYC invite, where can I submit my KYC, and so much more questions.

All of these challenges will be addressed in this blog post, so keep reading to learn more. This post aims to guide those who are still asking questions about KYC, it will guide you through the process of completing and verifying your KYC application.

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Guide to Completing Pi Network KYC

In case you don't know, passing a KYC successfully requires the supported documents and there are also some prerequisites a pioneer must meet for them to submit KYC.

So, let's discuss these prerequisites alongside the criteria for a better understanding before piloting your KYC.

Criteria and Requirements for Pi Network KYC

1: Government-issued document: This is a legal document issued by the government of where the pioneer comes from. Each country has its type of document the pioneer is expected to submit. First, take a photo of the document before starting the KYC piloting as you may be asked to upload the document first.

Some of the documents supported in Nigeria include:

International passport
National ID (Premium or Standard)
Drivers license

I will recommend you use an International passport or the premium National ID card issued by the National Identity Management Commission.

2: You will be asked for a liveness check: You will be asked to face the phone camera to capture your face. First, ensure you have granted the Pi browser access to your phone camera and make sure your face matches what is in the document.

3: Don't leave the KYC screen: You have started, remember never break or stop halfway because if you do, even if your documents are correct, your KYC will be in review for a long time. Endeavor to stay on the screen as it takes just 5 minutes to complete the KYC verification.

4: You must be a pioneer for 30: New miners are to mine for 30 days or more before they can take part in KYC verification. However, this may not be necessary in some countries or regions.

Steps to Complete Pi Network KYC

1: Download and install the Pi network browser which can be found in both Android phones store and iOS devices.

By now you should have the app installed on your phone. Proceed to step 2 if you have the app installed.

2: Open the Pi network browser and click the KYC tab located at the button on the screen. You can also use the main app, find the Mainnet section and complete the Mainnet checklists. From there, you will land on the KYC step.

3: After you have landed on the KYC page in the Pi browser, select your country in the drop-down list. Make sure you didn't make any mistakes.

4: Choose the type of document you would like to use for the KYC verification. Using a passport or premium NIN is recommended for Nigerians. If you have the standard NIN, and you want to use it, make sure the image is visible in the document.

5: After selecting the document, the next screen will show you a different layout with instructions telling you how to use the documents before proceeding.

Read the instructions very well then click the next button.

6: Next, you will be asked to take the front photo of the document with a "Add Front Photo" option. Click on it and your phone camera will open to capture the front document.

Also, capture the back photo of the document the way you did previously by capturing both the front and back of the document and the photos should be horizontal.

7: Once you are done submitting the photo ID, it will lead you to another screen where to fill out a form describing everything in the document you have submitted. Make sure the information you put is the same thing in the document.

8: Submit the form after completing it correctly then, next is a liveness check to prove you are a real human. 

Tap the "I am Ready" button to open the camera of your phone. Hold the camera in your face and make sure your face appears in the box correctly.

You should be able to complete your KYC verification successfully with these steps. Now, nothing more is required.

How to Check Your Pi Network KYC Status

To check if your application is successful, open the Pi browser, and click the KYC tap again to open the page. Once the page load and you see green, your KYC has been verified successfully. However, if the page is still showing light blue (Pending), it means your application is still under review.

Alternatively, you can also check your status by opening the main Pi network mining app and clicking the menu tap located at the top left corner. Click on "Profile", scroll down and you will see a list of verified details you have added, examples are phone number, email, Facebook, and KYC.

You will see a pass mark placed in front of these details including KYC. But KYC will be loading if the application is still pending. That's how to check the status of your KYC application.

Tips For a Successful KYC Application

A successful KYC is possible when you follow the right process and steps I have channeled above plus, use the tips below to ensure you become successful.

1: Make sure you have created a Pi wallet and have completed the first steps (1, 2, 3) in the Mainnet checklists.

2: Make sure the document is very clear and easy to read. A blurry or distorted document may prolong the review process, which may also lead to rejection.

3: Check that the name and information in your documents match the one in your profile. If there are discrepancies, your application will stay on review.

4: Use the right document and ensure you pilot the KYC with a supported government-issued ID. Recommended documents are an International passport, driver's license, and National ID.

5: Double-check if you have completed all required information in your profile and make sure no information is missing. Avoid the mistake of using people's details for verification or testing.

6: Still having issues regarding KYC? Try contacting the CT through the app. You can go to the main app by clicking on "Support" in the navigation tap.

7: You can only migrate to Mainnet once your KYC has been approved and you will know through the mining app by following the step I mentioned above.

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How long does it take to pass Pi KYC?

KYC application shouldn't be longer than 5 minutes, sometimes 1 hour depending on how valid the information and data you provided during the process. We have seen some pioneers who passed KYC in less than 10 minutes, some were given KYC Tentative Approval after some hours of applying.

So, KYC, in rare cases can take even months. This type of application requires a large number of validators in your region. If a KYC is pending too long, it can be a result of several reasons that only the Core Team has answers to.

Will I lose my Pi if my team failed to KYC?

Failing KYC can be a result of many reasons which may lead to different outcomes. Although, in some rare cases, pioneers can be given another chance to resubmit the application. So, no pioneer will lose their mined coins if their team failed KYC. Just that, the Unverified balance won't be transferable.

What happens when you miss Pi KYC?

If you are invited to submit KYC and you miss the chance, you can still be given another slot. However, since mass KYC piloting is taking place, you don't need to wait and get invited through the app anymore. Keep opening the Pi browser to check if a slot is available for you.

According to the CT, everyone who participated in mining Pi will get a slot, so there is no need to panic if you miss a previous chance. It is very important as you can only claim your Pi and migrate to Mainnet after KYC.

To complain or report issues relating to KYC, please visit the website and write a support ticket to the CT.

Stay ahead of the latest news from the Core Team through their Twitter #️⃣ account and never miss any updates by following us on Facebook, Twitter and even joining our Telegram group.

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