Highest Paying Tech Jobs In Nigeria 2024

Tech professionals are some of the highest-paying people in the world right now. As digital transformation increases, and organizations rally around technology more than ever, particularly after the COVID-19 pandemic, tech experts are massively getting recruited every day.

This is the same in Nigeria. The technology sector has been growing in recent years, attracting interest from investors in terms of funding, scaling, and spreading wigs outside the country. In 2023, Nigerian startups accounted for 33.5% (998.2 million dollars) of the total funding. All of these have contributed to the increase in demand for skilled te Hillch professionals.

Why Tech Jobs?

Tech jobs have gained so much recognition due to a number of reasons including high-paying salaries, opportunities for growth, and the lasting impact it has on economies, making it an attractive career option for people with the right skills.

We've created this article to discuss the highest-paying tech jobs in Nigeria to help you make the right choice. It highlights the skills and experience needed to land or acquire a high-paying job and its annual salary expectations.

Highest Paying Tech Jobs in Nigeria

1. Data scientists

2. Product marketers

3. Java developers

4. Software engineers

5. Content marketers

6. Business analysts

7. Machine learning engineers

8. DevOps engineers

9. Digital marketers

10. Database administrators

1. Data Scientists

Average Annual Salary - ₦3,000,000

Skills Required - Data Visualisation, Data Migration and Modelling, Machine Learning, Python, C/C++, Scala, and SQL

Data scientists utilize several techniques and skills like programming, analytical, and statistical to collect, analyze, and interpret large data frameworks. They then use this information to create data-driven solutions to help organizations overcome challenges.

2. Products Marketers

Average Annual Salary - ₦2,198,000

Skills Required - A/B Testing, Data Analysis, Product Development, Market Research Skills, and Agile Methodology

Product Marketers are also known as product managers. They are responsible for the strategy and blueprint of a company's product, making certain decisions on how it can get to the target market. They make concise ways to ensure the team understands the concept behind the product before and after it is released.

3. Java Developer

Average Annual Salary - ₦3,600,000

Skills Required - Java Programming, Database Management, Computer Architecture, and Web/App Development

A Java developer is someone who's skilled at using programming languages to develop web applications. He creates web applications for personal, customer, or company for the purpose of solving an existing problem spanning across different industries and sectors. As a Java developer, you will work with software developers to design, implement, and maintain Java apps.

4. Software Engineers

Average Annual Salary - ₦4,420,000

Skills Required - Coding, Computer Programming, Software Testing, Object-Oriented Design (OOD), and Software Development

They are also known as software developers who write codes, debug, and test software that instruct computer applications to perform specific tasks like saving information, performing calculations, etc. Software engineers can convert what needs to be done into one of many programming languages.

5. Content Marketers

Average Annual Salary - ₦3,400,000

Skills Required - Content Management Systems (CMS), Search Engine Optimization, and Sales and Content Marketing tools.

A content marketer is any individual who creates and develops a consistent brand identity for an organization and establishes its presence online. A content marketer can also use his skills to establish an online brand for himself and the most important part is communicating with customers using CMS tools in an informative way to promote products and services.

Content marketers use information, such as metrics and statistics about the audience's demographics and preferences to create multimedia content that raises brand awareness.

6. Business Analyst

Average Annual Salary - ₦2,400,000

Skills Required - Certification in Agile, SQL, or Scrum. Statistics and Basic Programming Skills.

A business analyst connects and interprets data for potential product expansion. They identify specific business opportunities and influence investors to support the projects, making efforts with the team to produce better results and outcomes. They test and analyze business opportunities and recommend areas that need improvement.

7. Machine Learning

Average Annual Salary - ₦2,400,000

Skills Required - Natural Language Processing, Applicable Software, Systems, and Processes, such as SIRI, APIs, JAVA, and C.

Machine learning engineers are those behind the designing and self-running of software that gives applications the ability to automate models that are predictive. They work with data scientists to take information and feed curated data into the models that have been discovered.

As a machine learning engineer, you will be able to use theoretical models obtained from data scientists, and build and program them to function accurately to handle terabytes of real-time data. It is one of the highest-paying tech jobs in the world.

8. DevOps Engineers

Average Annual Salary - ₦3,036,000

Skills Required - Database Management and Network Management, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GPC), Amazon Web Services (AWS)

DevOps engineers combine the knowledge of both coding and engineering. They work with organizations to develop cloud computing and management systems within the organization. They scale from developing system software to analyzing data and improving existing ones. DevOps engineers are charged with improving the productivity of the workplace.

9. Digital Marketers

Average Annual Salary - ₦3,800,000

Skills Required - Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Search Engine Marketing (SEM), Data Analytics, Content Creation, and Social Media Marketing

Digital marketers are responsible for the overall digital marketing strategy of an organization. They manage social media platforms, campaigns, and content calendars and work with content marketers to ensure the successful digital marketing strategies of a company. They are highly paid across the world because they implement effective and various marketing campaigns spanning different objectives.

10. Database Administrator

Average Annual Salary - ₦3,300,000

Skills Required - Linux, PostgreSQL, Oracle Database, Cloud Software and Systems, Agile, MYSQL, Microsoft Vista, SQL Server, and Scripting

One of the many jobs of a database administrator is ensuring a company is fully secure, operational, and searchable by creating database systems according to the specialization of users. They are responsible for storing, organizing, and implementing network logs while using the company's database management system, and making sure the database performs and runs accurately.

African tech talent

How to Increase Your Pay as a Tech Professional

Make more money with the following strategies as a tech professional. It doesn't matter which aforementioned role you choose all that matters is the ability to scale and spread wigs.

  • Become a certified professional - As mentioned, it doesn't matter what field or subfield, each of them has its own set of credentials. Get certified by leading professionals like Google, IBM, etc. Google for instance provides some of the best courses spanning across many fields we have mentioned above. They will boost your credentials and improve your skillset in this ever-changing tech sector.
  • Consider your target market - carefully choose a role you know you can with enthusiasm. By so doing and in whatever field you choose to work in, you will develop expertise and connections that will make it simpler to scale and spread wigs.
  • Choose a niche - your value to a specific sector and business will improve in proportion to the depth of your knowledge in any given field. Choosing a niche is very paramount as it demonstrates how good you are in your chosen role.
  • Build your resume - one sure way of maintaining value and improving in your profession is to work on side projects to build your portfolio. As you improve, you will become irresistible to employees and hiring managers, and the more gigs you will land.


So which of these tech jobs do you currently work in or planning to learn? Most skilled individuals would prefer a particular job over the other due to many reasons spanning different opinions. However, whatever job you choose, getting certified and improving your resume is the best way to work in a perfect workplace. With this, you will also be able to chase other preferences to balance work and play.

Tech experts are some of the most sort out individuals in the world, right? The reason is that they are the company's backbone and if anything happens they are the ones to take the credit or be blamed. So why not start by getting certified by a professional platform like Google, IBM, etc.?

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